
Visualizing sparse data can be challenging. larcv has a viewer available as well, larcv-viewer. Because it has additional graphical requirements, we keep this component separate so that no one ends up in a situation where they need PyQT on a computing cluster when they don’t care at all about a graphics viewer.

The viewer is a great tool, in particular, for debugging your datasets. Any configurations that you want to use for Preprocessing are also available in the viewer. The viewer provides two executable scripts, and that present the 2D and 3D data, respsectively. You can run either script with a syntax like so:

>>> [-c optional_config.cfg] file1.h5 [file2.h5 ...]

The Viewers will automatically detect the dimensions of the data space in the file by using the ImageMeta dataproducts from objects in the file; if your file doesn’t have these objects, the viewer will not work.

When you run the 2D viewer, you ought to see images something like this:


And, for the 3D viewer, the GUI looks something like this:
